My daughter was admitted to an intensive care hospital unit last week. Despite my best intentions, I found myself getting caught up in a storm of emotions and unanswered questions and I worried about a host of related circumstances. At one point, a prayer involuntarily escaped from my lips, “Calm the storms, Lord. Calm the inner and outer storms!” I often hear people say that we can have peace in the midst of the storms of life. Well, I wasn’t feeling it. At the same time, I realized I had disconnected from the source of that peace, the One who calms the storms...
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My childhood friends and I used to play a guessing game with daisies, “He loves me, he loves me not,” pulling off a petal with each repetition. Sometimes we tore apart a dozen daises before we got a “verdict” to our liking – a very self-centered game and sad fate for the daisies now that I think about it! For those who put their faith and trust in Christ, the “verdict” is secure...
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“And Jesus said, "Come to the water, stand by My side, I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied…” These are words from a hymn popular in the 1970s called, “For Those Tears I Died.” I found myself humming the tune earlier this week... As much as I love the words of the whole piece, I’ve had a hard time relating to “I know you are thirsty…” Maybe it is because I was raised and lived in water soaked Oregon for so many years.
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Do you not know that . . . you are not your own?” —1 Corinthians 6:19. I have been pondering these words for many months. What does it mean, “You are not your own” when it comes down to the “brass tacks” of living our day to day life? Oswald Chambers said there is no such thing as a private life, but in our western society it is all about "my right to chose" and the "American Dream." * Our western mindset can’t fathom a life without “independence.” Even in Christian circles, “the American dream” has been dressed up as “fulfilling your destiny.” In contrast, the Apostle Paul wrote about being a “bondslave” of Christ (Rom. 1:1). It is difficult for me to wrap my mind around the word “bondslave.” However, if I think of being set free from some deadly fate (sin), then I can throw myself totally at the mercy of the One who saved me, Jesus Christ… but there is more. Life in Christ does not stop here.
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I don’t know about you, but in my past, there were lots of plans that I made that turned out to be dead ends or so I thought at the time. I had hopes and dreams that lead to nothing but disappointments. There were years when I thought the “pain” would never end. At the same time, I had a strong belief in God, believed that Jesus was my Savior, but I hadn’t fully placed my trust in Him. As time passed, situations would arise that mirrored past scenarios and I would be afraid it was history repeating itself until…
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Someone has calculated that we make as many as 5,000 decisions in a day! Decisions have become a focal point for me the last few months because I want to stay healthy and lose some weight. I want this body to stay strong so that I can serve the Lord throughout the days He has allotted to me. Also, I feel better when I eat healthier foods. Unfortunately, most of my life I have let my feelings rule my eating habits. I often start out the day with good intentions but rarely finish well. “Will power” just flies out the window about 8 o’clock in the evening. Have you ever had this problem? Recently, there has been a shift in my thinking...
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In a movie called, “The American Quilt,” one of the characters was furious at her husband and threw china tea cups at a kitchen wall, shattering the cups into pieces, leaving a huge mess on the kitchen floor. In a later scene, she picks up the pieces and glues them to the wall, making a collage. Although it didn’t speak well of her willingness to forgive, I had to appreciate her creativity. Yesterday I received an email from someone who is also taking a creative approach to her “messes.”
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A few days ago, I cut up some apples into a glass dish, added a little honey, and put them in the oven to bake. When I came back 25 minutes later to check on them, they’d turned into “apple crisp”! The apples and honey had “bonded” to the glass as “forever friends,” or so I feared. “Separating them” was not going to be fun!!! …until I remembered a secret someone had shared with me a short time ago.
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Dear Family and Friends, thank you for your comments on last week’s post. This week I have taken the liberty of paraphrasing “The Actual and the Ideal,” because I think Prince’s statement puts the tension of living in two different realities in perspective: TWO REALITIES There are two realities, life on the earth and the things of heaven or, if you prefer, the kingdom of heaven which begins now and is to come. To be wise is to seek after the things of heaven and, at the same time, to live life on the earth, being fully present to the good without denying the existence of the bad. Be careful to distinguish between acceptance of today’s reality and resignation which is...
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Nicky Gumbel describes life as a set of challenges, problems and hassles.* He says, “We sometimes imagine that if we could just deal with the immediate challenge that we are facing, all our problems would be over. But life is not like that. If we resolve one problem, another (or even several) is just around the corner. “The temptation is to see these challenges as preventing us from carrying out the ministry God has given us. In actual fact, dealing with the problems is the ministry.” The image that comes to mind is a jack-in-the-box...
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Picture a busy intersection, traffic backed up, horns honking, tempers flaring, a car races through a red light as cars start to block the intersection from the other direction, a truck swerves around a corner, brakes screeching, a driver guns his car motor as he backs up, a pedestrian risks his life crossing the street – all this happening at the same time. Now, imagine a different kind of intersection,
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Speaking for myself, there is a fine line between facing the harsh reality of a difficult situation and how it could impact the individuals or groups involved and the need to walk in faith and obedience. One example might be the dilution of the Gospel that is unraveling and splitting some denominations. When "stark reality" strikes within "my world," it would be easy to let my imagination run away with me. Led by fear, ultimately I’d end up shipwrecked on the rocks of despair or find myself a victim stranded on a deadend road. On the other hand,
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Nicky Gumbel asks a penetrating question, “Have you ever wondered whether God is really interested in the details of your life?”* When things don’t go as planned, it is tempting to ask, “God, don’t you see what is happening?” Martha is a great example, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?" Hosting large groups, I can sympathize with Martha. No doubt, she wanted everything to be just right for her guests. You may have been waiting for a long time for a house to sell, but so far no one is interested; a job interview didn’t produce the results you had hoped for; you may be distraught over a recent medical report; or an event didn’t take place as planned. You may be like Martha, feeling you are the only one serving. Does God care? Yes? How do we know?
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This morning a reading from Oswald Chambers caught my attention. "You are Simon . . . . You shall be called Cephas" ( John 1:42 ). God writes our new name only on those places in our lives where He has erased our pride, self-sufficiency, and self-interest. Some of us have our new name written only in certain spots, like spiritual measles. And in those areas of our lives we look all right. When we are in our best spiritual mood, you would think we were the highest quality saints. But don’t dare look at us when we are not in that mood. A true disciple is one who has his new name written all over him— self-interest, pride, and self-sufficiency have been completely erased. (Utmost for His Highest, June 12) Have you ever wondered about your “new name,” what it might be? For me, a new name indicates a new identity. The old has passed away and a new life has begun. But here is what really struck me in this passage:
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An incident happened a long time ago that has puzzled me for many years. My husband, my three young children and I rented a cabin with another family on a lake near the border of the U.S. and Canada. The guys were excited about fishing so we all piled into a rented row boat, hauling fishing gear, worms, life jackets, you name it. It’s a wonder the boat didn’t capsize! The landscape around the lake was breathtaking. I’d taken an art class not long before so I brought my sketch pad along. If you’d been there, you would have thought I’d broken all 10 commandments…
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