Speaking for myself, there is a fine line between facing the harsh reality of a difficult situation and how it could impact the individuals or groups involved and the need to walk in faith and obedience.  One example might be the dilution of the Gospel that is unraveling and splitting some denominations.

When "stark reality" strikes within "my world," it would be easy to let my imagination run away with me. Led by fear, ultimately I’d end up shipwrecked on the rocks of despair or find myself a victim stranded on a deadend road.  On the other hand, it would be just as easy to deny the facts and imagine life as I want it to be, pretending to be an innocent bystander instead of doing my part, all the while sinking into the quicksand of unbelief.  Either way leads to spiritual death.  There must be a better way…
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).  In this spirit-filled life, we need to be like tightrope walkers, aware of the “rocks and sand” below us and the dangers of falling, but at the same time, putting one foot in front of the other.  We must cross over in faith, above our circumstances, walking on the unbreakable rope of God’s Word, keeping our eyes on Jesus.  
Every circumstance that enters our lives is a call to faith and a deeper relationship with Him who is faithful.