/There seems to be a plethora of prophetic words these days which contradict the reality of what assaults me on a daily basis. At times I find myself dismissing these overly positive messages, but then this prophetic declaration knocked me off my feet:
"God Says: Do Not Fear - I Am Building Goshen!"*
What? When I hear the word “Goshen,” I think of bricks and slavery and brutality! The author Nate Johnston in presenting this word explains that “Goshen is the promise of being fruitful and increasing no matter what is taking place around you. Goshen was the place where God made Israel into a great nation and it's where God will establish, plant and build you.”
Nate also suggests that “Goshen speaks prophetically of territory and occupation in the enemy's camp.” Well, I can identify with this part of Nate’s message. As long as we have breath, we are occupiers on the devil’s turf. This is a bitter pill to swallow and a perception that seems to invade my personal space more and more, the older I get. When I look at the mess the world is in, it takes all my strength, determination, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ not to get disheartened by the naysayers and the oppressive news.
Thankfully, there are voices all around me that shout “hope” and “hallelujah”! And if we open our Bibles to read God’s word, we will discover He is not asleep! He reigns! He is King of kings and LORD of lords! Yes, the Israelites suffered in Goshen, but God heard their cries and delivered them mightily through the Red Sea. I don’t know what struggles you may be facing, but take heart. God is delivering, rescuing, saving, protecting, healing, loving, guiding, growing, pruning, renewing, restoring, and comforting his people day by day, moment by moment.
Lord, thank you for your love and mercy. Open our eyes and hearts to see You working in our midst and behind the scenes. Amen.
*"God Says: Do Not Fear - I Am Building Goshen!",, Nate Johnston, October 14, 2022.