/Dear Friends,
Tonight I listened to a podcast called “Day 2” by Brene´ Brown. She describes the “Day 2” as the messy middle; for example, when most people are anxiously waiting for the COVID19 pandemic and racial tensions to end. So how do we get out of the “messy middle”?
While I understand her point of relating “Day 2” to our current situations, my heart aches for people I know who have been “on hold” in “Day 2” for years, long before the pandemic and riots showed up: Orphans I see almost every day, recovering alcoholics sacrificing their time to bandage the wounds of the homeless, the elderly just waiting to die. For me, “Day 2” describes the pain of everyday life on this planet.
But that’s not the end of the story. As believers in Jesus Christ, we have hope, a hope that does not disappoint (Romans 5:5). Is your hope wearing thin? Take your doubts, disappointments, and discouragement to Jesus! He wants to restore your hope today, so that you can have joy in the midst of “Day 2” and so that you can share that joy with others!
“There is no greater joy than following Jesus, even if He leads you to the ends of the earth”!