/Have you ever cried out, “Lord, I don’t know what to do!”? Are there times when you can’t see “the forest for the trees”?
One of the amazing things I am discovering about scripture is that it answers our questions, sometimes in the very same verse or adjoining passage. For example, in 2 Chronicles 20, we read the story about Moab’s advancing attack on Judah. King Jehoshaphat was in a stew. He recognized that he had no power to face Moab’s vast army and its allies. He desperately sought the Lord, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you” (v.12).
A few verses later, we learn that God assured Jehoshaphat that the battle was not his but God’s. God instructed him to stand firm and to watch what He would do (v. 15-17).
Problem: We don’t know what to do; we have no power in and of ourselves to face the evil around us or situations that are out of our control. I hear a lot of people crying out these days, “If this situation doesn’t change, I can’t go on any longer.”
Jehoshaphat knew the answer, “Our eyes are on you, Lord.” Although it is so simple, keeping our eyes on the Lord is the hardest thing in all the world to do.
This is not some kind of “Pollyanna,” overly optimistic attitude that whitewashes suffering. It is a step of faith. We look to the Lord so that we may know “what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe” (Ephesians 1:19).
Lord, give us hearts and ears to hear “our part” and the grace and courage to do it, so that we may have confidence in the greatness of your power toward us in all circumstances. Amen.