/My last post was about yearning for water. Afterwards, I heard a story from the late 1870s about residents in a small Texas town who were hurting for water. Their efforts to find water came to nothing, but they discovered oil. They discounted their oil discovery and kept digging for water. Finally, the people gave up their search. Their town went downhill.
I was not able to substantiate this story, but it stirred a response in me.
How often have I abandoned projects because I got tired of jumping over hurdles and going around road blocks? How often have I pass up an “unlikely” opportunity because I didn’t have the faith to believe for the resources needed to move forward or because I didn’t understand how God could work in the situation? The people in this story wanted water for survival, but the oil could have secured their future. According to the legend, the people in the Texas town gave up hope. They quit trusting. Eventually, nothing was left but a ghost town.
Seemingly futile or “impossible” circumstances affect us all at one time or another. Sometimes we need a “second wind.” We need to be open to a wisdom that is greater than our human understanding, a wisdom only God can give. Do I hear an “Amen!”?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).