I yearn to be near water. Sometimes I wake up singing, “We come alive in the river”* or I find the words floating through my mind during the course of my day. On my annual treks to see family, the Oregon coast is tops on my list of places to visit. The ocean temperatures can be chilly, but that doesn’t stop me from putting my feet in the icy water. Back in this city of twelve million people, my favorite “get-away” is a magnificent park where there is a huge display of water fountains dancing to music. Today the park is buried in a few feet of snow, but I am hopeful that spring is just around the corner.

Some months ago, I traveled by train for twelve hours to attend a friend’s wedding. A map of the area showed a river near the center of town, but I didn’t know how far that might be from my hotel. Venturing out to do some exploring, I spotted the river and an adjoining park just two blocks away. Whenever I visit a new place, I look for signs of water.

Jesus said, “I am the Bread of life,” “I am the Door,” “I am the Light,” but He didn’t say, “I am the Water.” Instead He said, “…but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life” (John 4:14).  I don’t know why Jesus didn’t say, “I am the Water,” but I do know that Jesus is the only one who can satisfy our deep longings. Amen?

*Lyrics by Jesus Culture