/Recently, a friend* shared how God is working in his life, specifically a reminder that ”God is always working. We just need a spiritual eye to see it and then join Him in the work.”
What a great statement with three amazing gold nuggets. First, God is always working. In 1994 Pastor Ron Mehl wrote a book with a memorable title: “God Works the Night Shift.” Those words have often brought me comfort. The book commentary reads: “Sometimes we feel that God is working by leaps and bounds in the lives of others, but not in our own. Especially when we are going through difficult times, it may seem as though other people have been richly blessed while our own lives are completely empty.” Sadly, most people would say they feel an even greater emptiness and disconnect in today’s world.
So what is the remedy when we feel God is asleep?
The second gold nugget tells us that if we ask in faith, God will open our spiritual eyes to see His amazing work on our behalf (Ephesians 1:18).
Finally, just as faith without action falls short, “seeing” is not enough. God invites us to join Him in the work. We are God’s fellow workers and we are the field He is plowing up! (1 Cor. 3:9) What that means to me is that as we listen for and obey God’s Holy Spirit, He does a work in us that we can’t do ourselves. We often expect God to change our circumstances and hope that He will change other people. Sigh… I am the one that needs changing. I am the one that has been sleeping!
Lord, your word says that you are not slow in bringing about your promises; you are waiting for us to see the error of our ways! Forgive us, Lord, and thank you that your mercies are new every morning!
*Thanks, Tim, for letting me share your thoughts!