/Some things do come to an end, but not every ending is a “loss.” I think of day and night. Day ends and night begins; night ends and crosses over into day. True, I can’t recapture those hours, but they are not a loss in the sense of feeling grief after losing someone or something of value*—unless, of course, I really messed up, but then I would feel remorse, not loss.
I envision one day ending and night beginning as a progression, a symphony. Night is the “rest” in the musical score. The same is true of the seasons. God’s musical notes come to me in the form of assignments that I play out to the best of my abilities—or for a variety of reasons, don’t get played out—but God isn’t finished with me yet.
Regardless of our past mistakes or successes, God gives all of us new assignments that fit the new season. So often I have called things “loss” when it is simply a crossing over from one season to another. Loss is directional. It means you are looking backwards. Instead of looking back, look up. Then you will be ready when it is time to crossover.
“Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads,
Because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28).