I won't be surprised if some of you don't want to read this post because of the word “pain” in the title.  A year ago, I wouldn’t have read it either. Our western minds are so afraid of pain, mine included, especially in Christian circles.  It’s as if just saying the word will result in irreversible consequences.

And yet pain is a fact of life, at least until Jesus comes again. The truth is that many or most of us are living with pain every day, the pain of: loneliness, rejection, a broken relationship, stiff joints, illness of some kind, unfulfilled dreams, the pain of seeing others suffer through their own choices or in situations beyond of their control.  No doubt, you can come up with your own list.

As I’ve studied the scriptures this past year, my eyes have been opened to how God uses pain to bring us into right relationship with Himself and the destiny planned for us. Remember the story of Joseph and his brothers? Joseph had his own appointment with pain in a pit and later in a prison, but God did not forget him.  Eventually, Joseph became the top man under pharaoh. The pain of pending starvation moved his brothers to go to Egypt during a famine and it led to their eventual reconciliation with Joseph (Genesis 37-45).*

Please don’t misunderstand me, I am not advocating pain and suffering as a spiritual discipline or a “work” that will make us holy or bring us closer to God.  My point is that God can and does use all things to work together for our good; therefore nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:28, 38).*  And in the midst of it all, the Apostle Paul tells us to rejoice (Philippians 4:4). To rejoice when things are falling apart may seem like a contradiction, but we can rejoice because nothing can separate us from God's unfailing love. 

What I mean to say is that I don't like pain, but I am learning not to be afraid of it because I know God is not surprised, His intentions towards me are always good, and He always keeps His promises.

Furthermore, the evidence of pain is not the last word. Paul speaks of the earth groaning as in pangs of child birth (Romans 8:22 NASB). The crucifixion of Jesus was followed by the resurrection. The kingdom of God has come and one day we will all behold His glory in its fullness.

* Recommended reading for today: Romans 8. Also read how God uses pain to move us toward our destinies: Dream Killers by Jim Raley, Charisma House, September 2013.