Today I read that, according to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever.” That stopped me in my tracks!  Digging back into my memory bank, I remember a different version: “To know, love, and serve God”  (Baltimore Catechism).  Without getting too cerebral, I wonder how the difference in these two concepts have played out in my life. 

Early in my life, my understanding of Christianity tended to be legalistic, focused on suffering, and restrictive, although I believed Jesus was my Savior and that He had died for my sins. I remember as a teenager obsessing over the thought that Jesus would be displeased if I went to a party with my friends. I thank God for a Lutheran pastor in directing me toward my first taste of “grace” as he explained Romans 3:21-23 to me!  During that time I came across a book called, “Come to the Party”.* I devoured every word from cover to cover.  As a matter of fact, I came across that book again recently and have just finished reading it a second time.

The author would have spoken of my earlier Christian experience as the “un-party.” He describes the “party” as accepting the risk of being human…sharing the present hurt and present joy. “It is to break the loaf of life and pass around the pieces (p. 163 ff).” Paraphrasing, it means accepting the hand of “fellowship” of my Christian brothers and sisters as an indispensable part of my life.  A place of mutual support, accountability, and honesty, it is where I can most be myself, where I can accept the worst and best about myself.  I would add that it is the place where I can learn to love others (John 13:34).

Today I would identify with the Westminster definition.  I believe that glorifying God includes “knowing, loving, and serving Him.”  But, sadly, experience has shown me that I can know, love, and serve God to a certain degree without enjoying Him.  “To enjoy Him” speaks to me of intimacy and that’s where I want to be.

I have been crucified with Christ; the life I now live is not my life, but the life which Christ lives in me; and my present bodily life is lived in faith in the Son of God…(Gal. 2:20). 

*Come to the Party, Karl Olsson, Waco Texas: Word Books, 1972