Various skill and personality indicators have pegged me as a random learner; specifically, a visual abstract random learner.  Thankfully, I also have some “planner/organizer” instincts or I would probably be bouncing off the walls.  At one stage of my life, I dreamt about becoming an entrepreneur... but when it came to business plans, I zoned out. My eyes glazed over when I researched sample business plans with their details and fine print. (Just give me the bullet points and I'll figure it out!!).  I ran for the chocolate!!!

One day my super fabulous life coach suggested I do a “visual” business plan. That idea propelled me into action.  I donned my “fine art skills” hat and passionately poured over discarded magazines for hidden treasure, scissors flashing. 

Voila!  I found a picture of a parade of ducks, descending from a tub of bubbles and waddling across a bathroom floor.  The caption read, “Always take the scenic route!”  Sold to the lady in the purple sweater (me!)...At last, welcome comic relief from the stress of trying to fit my "round" self into a square hole!

In less than three days, I finished my visual business plan, complete with projected expenses and income figures.  Sad to say, my entrepreneurial days never materialized, but instead of letting my business plan gather dust on a shelf, I kept it on my desk for a very long time to remind myself of the childlike joy that comes from creating.  Of course, sometimes I flipped through the pages to say “hello” to my soapy friends who always brought a smile to my face.

So what’s my point?  Looking back over that experience now seems silly and childish, but the lesson I learned from it is still valid - to go with the strengths God has planted in me (There are times when I have to be reminded of this lesson!!). 

Thank God for how He has created you! You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139)! Trying to fit into some else's idea of who you should be (or your own faulty version) robs you of joy, making life too serious and stressful.  Instead, take the scenic route!